Harmful Traditional Practices: Meaning, Examples And Consequences

Social Studies
Table of Contents

  • Meaning Of Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Examples Of Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Consequences Of Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Ways Of Preventing Harmful Traditional Practices

Harmful Traditional Practices
Harmful traditional practices are those practices that may be approved by customs or traditions of the people but which cause suffering and pain to the recipients of such actions.
Harmful traditional practices are engagement that brings physical, mental, social and health dangers and damage to people. Human beings debate these practices and, in a sense, is backward.
Examples Of Harmful Traditional Practices
1. Female Circumcision
This is the circumcision exercise carried out on female children. It was practiced in Nigeria before discovering its dangerous effect on the girl. The practice was based on the misconception of the girl child being sexually controllable. On many occasions, occasion practice’s unhygienic conditions led to excessive bleeding and, many times, death.
2. Early Marriage
This early marriage has many disruptive and negative influences on immature children. Some will stop going to school and take up the responsibility of a housewife.
3. Osu Caste System
Osu caste system (The untouchables) is an old practice that has persisted in Igboland. This is discrimination against certain categories of people who have entered into the social group knowingly.
4. Gender Discrimination
This is a backward practice against the female folk in our midsts. These include; punishing women at the death of their husbands, taking property, and not giving share or inheritance to women whose households could not provide a surviving son.
5. Use Of Children For Begging
It is a common scene on our streets, churches, etc. A period they are supposed to be in schools, they are using it begging.
6. Child Agric Labour
This involves depriving children of the opportunity to receive a good education, forcing them to work on farmland, and over-stressing them.
7. Killing Of Twins
It was considered an abomination for a woman to be born twins. People believe that twins are a sign of an evil omen that would cause disaster to the family.
8. Cultural Marks
These are identification or decorative marks made on the face or body of individuals or groups in a cultural setting. It is harmful because of the object used and blood lost in the cutting.
Consequences Of Harmful Traditional Practices
1. Problem Of Child Birth
There is a high mortality rate for girls who marry early. Some of those young girls die during childbirth.
2. Exploitation Of Children
The buying, selling, stealing, or forcing of the child to make money. E.g., hawking or begging for money and even prostitution amount to exploitation of the child who is supposed to be in school.
3. Depletion Of Education
The child is out of school when his mate is in school receiving teaching, thereby denying his or her right to education and knowledge skills.
4. Social Stigma On The Victim
Discrimination against persons based on gender is a social evil and unprogressive.
5. Issue Of Vesico Vaginal Fistula (V.V.F)
This is a health condition in which the girl passes urine uncontrollably. This makes the victim always smell, no matter how much effort is made to be neat.
Ways Of Preventing Harmful Traditional Practices In Nigeria
1. Public Enlightenment
People should be rightly informed about their rights and the dangers of some traditional practices.
2. Provision Of Education
Everybody has the right to formal education; basic education should be made free and compulsory in Nigeria. Women should also be made to go to school for self-development.
3. Legislation
The National Assembly and the State House of Assembly should enact appropriate laws against harmful traditional practices. This evil should be made to face the law.
4. Advocacy Visits
Leaders like the emir and others who are the main custodians of culture and tradition are convinced of the dangerous implications of harmful traditional practices.

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