What Is The Meaning Of Group Behaviour And Types Of Group Behaviour?

Social Studies

Table Of Contents

  • Meaning Of Group Behaviour
  • Types Of Group Behaviour

Meaning Of Group Behaviour

By group behaviour we mean the action of persons in a group towards something or an incident. Such occurrence or incident must be of interest and concern to the members of the group.

In other words, there can be no reaction without a cause Besides, no two individuals can behave alike or react to an event in the same way and manner. Therefore group behaviour is determined by the collective interest of members of the group.

Group conduct is usually for self preservation and promotion of group interest. Therefore anything that conflicts with this results to negative behaviour or reaction from members.

It follows that group behaviour could be positive, constructive and in the over all interest of the public. It could also be negative and destructive to the values of society.

Types Of Group Behaviour

Group behaviour can be categorized under mass action and communal action.

1. Mass Action: Mass action includes all activities directed to challenge an existing order. It can be in the form of a demonstration against perceived injustice or against unpopular policy of government or constituted authority.

Mass action can result from the activities of members of secret cult. It can also be a consequence of students protest against school authorities.

Hoodlums and miscreants often hijack mass actions and this may result to negative consequences such as, loss of lives, injuries, destruction of property and disruption of social order.

Characteristics Of Mass Action

1. It is usually spontaneous and mostly unplanned.

2. It can lose its focus or objective.

3. It can be destructive to society.

4. It can lead to loss of lives and property.

2. Communal Labour: Communal action is usually constructive and directed to good and progress of society. It yields positive values and its actions or labour is usually directed to a goal or objective to be accomplished.

Communal labour demands sacrifice and the spirit of philanthrophy from member. Communal labour could be directed towards the achievement of the following projects:

1. Road construction and maintenance.

2. Construction of civic centre.

3. Construction of market stalls.

4. Construction of health centres.

5. Provision of water or electricity.

Characteristics Of Communal Labour

1. The objective is the development of the community.

2. It is organised and co-ordinated.

3. It demands sacrifice by members for the goal to be achieved.

4. It enhances unity and mutual co-existence.

Benefits Of Group Behaviour

Group Behaviour can be beneficial to the society when it is constructive.

1. It leads to peace and harmony in society.

2. It promotes development.

3. It can promote good governance.

4. It can promotes the welfare of the masses.