What Is Sovereignty? Meaning And 7 Limitations Of Sovereignty

Table Of Contents
1. Meaning And Origin Of Sovereignty
2. Types Of Sovereignty
3. Limitations Of Sovereignty
4. Features Of Sovereignty
Meaning And Origin Of Sovereignty
It was a French political philosopher Jean modern theory of sovereignty into political theory. He defines sovereignty as the supreme power of the state over citizens and subjects.
Sovereignty can be seen as the supreme power a state has to make and enforce laws within its boundary without any external control.
Types Of Sovereignty
1. External Sovereignty: This means every state is equal in the gathering. Such as U.N and A.U, No state is bigger or more important than others.
2. Internal Sovereignty: It refers to the supreme power of the state to make and enforce laws on the citizens within its territory.
3. Legal Sovereignty: Another name for this is parliamentary sovereignty. This is supreme power vested on the electorate fo form government of their choice and they exercise this through the ballot box by voting those candidate they want to delegate power to.
4. Deo facto Sovereignty: This sovereignty is acquired with the use of coercion. It is forceful sovereignty (E.g) Military sovereignty.
4. De Jure Sovereignty: This sovereignty is acquired in accordance with the laws of the land. It means a lawful sovereignty.
7 Limitations Of Sovereignty
Here are the 7 limitations of sovereignty:
1. International Laws: This limits the sovereignty of states. States abide by international law for the interest of world peace.
2. International Treaties And Agreement: The existence of international organisation which many nations belong has placed serious limitations to it’s sovereignty. Examples: A.U, U.N, UNISEF etc.
3. Foreign Aids: When a state is given economic, military and technical aids by another states, It’s sovereignty may be affected.
4. Influence Of Powerful Nation: Powerful nations like the U.S.A and USSR, Great Britain etc influence the policies and laws made by some states, this affects the international sovereignty of small states.
5. Customs And Tradition: When a state adopts a customs and tradition of some ethnic groups in the states, it eternal sovereignty will be affected.
6. Supremacy Of Constitution: No matter the body or institution in which sovereignty is located, the power is limited by the constitution of the states as nobody is above the law.
7. Coup D’etat: Forceful take over of government through coups limits the sovereignty of the state because constitution is normally suspended.
Features Of Sovereignty
The features of sovereignty are as following:
1. Unlimited Power: The power or sovereignty a state has, have no restriction because state issues orders which are binding to all citizens within it’s territory without any external influence.
2. Permanence Sovereignty: Sovereignty is permanent as long as the state exist, government change but sovereignty must not.
3. The power of sovereign state is not to be transferred, it remains within the state.
4. Comprehensiveness: The power of the sovereignty widens in scope, it is binding in all persons or groups within the territory.
5. Absence Of Foreign Control: The powers of a sovereign state are supreme within it’s territory without foreign control.