Laundry Of Fabric: Laundry Equipments, Processes In Home Laundry, Laundry Agents And Uses

They are substances Uses in the process of soaking and washing of clothes using suitable laundry agents or acids in warm or cold water in order to get rid of dirt, dust, stain, grease or odour in clothes.
Laundry helps clothes to retain its newness, last longer and it removes unpleasant odour from clothes.
Laundry Agents
They are substances used in the process of laundry which aid in the removal of dirt from clothes, Examples Are:
Synthetic detergent, soap, water, bleach, blue hydrogen peroxide, lemon, lime, common salt, stanch, vinegar, fabric, softener, disinfectant and many others.
Laundry And Uses
1. Water:
It is used in soaking clothes,
It is also used in washing and rinsing of clothes.
It is used during ironing of clothes.
2. Soap:
It is used to loosen dirt from clothes so that the dirt can easily be washed out.
3. Detergent:
It is used to loosen dirt from clothes.
Detergent can be used to remove minor stains.
4. Bleaches:
It is used to make cotton and linen whiter and sparkling GS .
It can also be used for removal of stain.
5. Laundry Blue:
It is used to brighten clothes after washing and rinsing.
6. Hydrogen Peroxide:
It is used for menial of skins from white fabrics.
7. Limes And Lemons:
Contain citrus acid and are used together with lemon salt odium chloride to remove ink, iron rust and medicines stains.
8. Vinegar:
Used for removal of excess blue from blued articles and for brightening colours.
9. Common Salt:
It is used as disinfectant.
It is also used for setting or retaining dye in loose coloured clothes or articles.
10. Starch:
It is used to stiffen clothes.
11. Disinfectant:
It is used to kill bacteria in household articles.
It is also used to produce pleasant fresh to laundered clothes.
Laundry Equipments
Laundry equipment are equipment used in laundry, Example; washing machine, basin, bucket, washing brush, electric iron, ironing board, ironing pad, table etc.
i) Washing Machine: It is used to wash large quantities of clothes. It is mainly used for commercial purposes (e.g) in hotels, factories, or business places. It washed large quantities of clothes within a short time.
ii) Basin, Bucket Or Bath: They are used as washing containers during laundry.
iii) Iron: It is used to straighten and smoothen clothes that are wrinkled or rough.
Processes In Home Laundry
They are steps that are taken during the process of home Laundry. The steps include:
1. Solving
2. Mending
3. Removal of stain
4. Steeping or soaking
5. Washing
6. Rinsing
7. Boiling
8. Blueing/Starching
9. Drying
10. Ironing
11. Airing
12. Folding/Storing.

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