Prospects In The Public Service (Nigeria)

Inherent Opportunities In The Public Service
The public service system is inherent with prospects and opportunities for the development and enrichment of the individuals life and the corporate existence of the state. It presents opportunities for gross and vast exposures, experiences and career development, for the sustenance of the polity. It’s existence on continuity has remained a veritable resources base in governance. It has helped to articulate policies, reforms and practices, helpful to the individual and the development of the state.
The adequate utilization and management of human and material resources through the organization of human and material resource through the organization of the public service, have systematically improved productivity and human capacity development. Equally, every, creativity and productive ability of the people are constantly harnessed towards improving the conditions of living and the termination of pains and penury.
The public service additionally attempts to eliminate the humiliating and embarrassing conditions of the public officers on retirement, after a meritorious service. This is due through the activities and policies of the public service hold gross effects on the private sectors, especially on grading, pay review and general management of services. The noted activities and directives of the public service radically generate and overall effectiveness of services in the state and the endeavours of the people.
Encouragingly, the public service create opportunities for the development of professional skills, expertise and technical ability on the management of public affairs. The engagement in the public service is actually an investment of life that provides for accumulation of varied experiences and exposures. It is a career and the development in the system, helps to improve life and human organization. The public service provides opportunities for the articulation of individual goals, and the integration with the corporate goals and objectives of the state.
The security of tenure in the public service create a safe and convenient environment for the expression of meanings to life. In addition, the employment in the public service is gainful and economic. It is a vocation that provide wealth investment and the acculation of savings. The individuals competence and capacity is mobilized for the generation of sustainable wealth. The system mobilizes for ideas, values and the shaping of concerns for sustainable living. There are opportunities for reciprocation and re-distributive saving.
The system encourages exposures to modern traditions, civilized conducts, respects, tolerance, acceptance, accountability and the stability of the polity. It develops and nurtures linkage in life with the complex network of cooperation provided by the public service. Positive orientation and the sensitivity to public values and interest, dynamism and virtue knowledge, education, training and social solidarity are sustained by the effort in the system. The system provides for adjustments, experiments and the demonstration of flair of novelty and innovative methods and techniques on human personality development and endeavors.
The in-built disciplinary mechanism of the public service system is a guide to the philosophy of life. The system’s concern for discipline and proper conducts cum practices, are designs which enhance the individuals life and the promotion of social stability in the polity. The public service discipline is based on certain rules and regulations which enhances equity, fairnes, justice, accountability and good governance.
The public service system provides opportunities for social and cultural interactions, exchanges and understandings. There is observably, in the system, the predominance of solicitation and consolidation of solidarity. This creates for a psychic and consensual base, capable of helping in conflict resolution and reconciliation in the society. It builds and sustains institutions for social and economic developments.
Need For Changes
The dynamic nature of the public service system and the society presnt the need for changes. The impelling changes are necessary in the structures, philosophy, orientation and for an orientated result. The growing conditions of the world systems, and the developments in our immediate political system, have assumed a complex and significant challenge on the public service system, for structural reviews and the re-orientation of the system. The reform agenda of the present democratic government of chief olusegun, should be conceptualized to characterize the public service in Nigeria. The reforms must be sustained and institutions of control and management of public service must be restructured to show ability to respond to the new orientation.
Accordingly, a new orientation of values of service, accountability probity, excellence, dynamism, hard work, discipline, fairness and good governance, should be encouraged and sustained. The reform programmes should be expanded to draw a new orientation that would encourage a result oriented public service system.
Leadership And Effects On Public Service Psyche
Leadership connotes the process of influencing the activities of an organized group and it’s glaring efforts to achieve target goals. It involves influencing people to exert more effort in a task or to change the members behaviour. Every human organization holds onto a leadership arrangement. The leadership in the public service system is premside on political and administrative leadership as constituted by the state. It revolves on the political class and extends to the upper echelon of the civil service. The leadership structure is classified and the statuses built on seniority, appointment and position.
Apparantly, the leadership of the public service system holds immense effects on the developments, growth and the psyche. It exists as the apex of the organization to give direction and the dictation of institutional goals and objectives. The burdens of leadership in the public service system is onerous. The leadership is expected to be highly sensitive and responsive to the needs, concerns and interest of the system. The leadership creates the priorities, designs and articulates the policies, structures, institutional frameworks and organizations. The substantial organizational machinery for supports and achievements in public service are built by the leadership.
The leadership allocates responsibilities and provides the dramatic illustration of functions and authorities. They exercise detailed control and supervision and coordination of policies in the public service.
The actions and decisions of the leadership in the public service are considerable to as great extent in determining pattern and organization of the service. The leadership ratifies the works and actions of the subordinates. They make the final choices in the line and course of actions in the public service system. Their interests and concerns are predominant and of great effects on the psyche of the public service.
The leadership mobilizes the energy, personnel, resources, morale, ideas etc, that galvanizes the efforts in the pursuits of the objectives of the state. In all remifications, leadership and it’s diverse styles as represented in the public service system, holds great effects on it’s psyche.
Anti-corruption Crusade
Corruption as a bane in the Nigerian society, has manifested in great dimensions in the public service system. It is endemically a social cancer that has prevailed on the public psyche. Successive governments have made concerted efforts to curb the menance, and subsequently, their efforts were limited by their obsession to the menance. The impact of official corruption is so rampant and needs to be tackled head-on. A ceaseless confrontation of corruption should be encouraged in the public service system.
The anti-graft crusade of the present democratic government and the enabling institutions established against corruption and organized crimes should be supported. The efforts, if sustained would promote growth, productivity and efficiency in the public service system.