Merits And Demerits Of Democracy

Topic:Merits And Demerits Of Democracy

  • Definition Of Democracy
  • Attributes Of Democracy
  • Merits Of Democracy
  • Demerits Of Democracy

What Is Democracy?
Democracy may be defined as a system of government in which all qualified adults citizens share the supreme power directly or through their elected representatives. Democracy is a system of government based on popular consent.
Abraham lincoln, defined democracy as the government of the people, By the people and for the people. Democracy allow the people to choose and reject their leader and their programs where such are no longer serving the interest of the people.
Features Or Attributes/Characteristics Or Factors Of Democracy
1. Equality before the law.
2. Free and fair election.
3. Regular and periodic election.
4. Guarantying fundamental human right.
5. There must be an independent judiciary.
6. Equal political right to vote and be voted for.
Advantages Or Merits Of Democracy
1. Encouragement Of Constitutionalism: It encourages the Government to rule according to the provisions of the constitutions.
2. It Promotes Political Participation: It encourages citizens to be involved in their government and politics. It promotes a sense of responsibilities and belongings.
3. Abuse Of Power: It prevent misuse of power since it checks concentration of powers of government in the hands of one person.
4. Legitimacy: Government elected by the people is considered legitimate because it has the support of the people.
5. Political Stability: Democracy involves periodic elections through which one government replaces another peacefully.
Problems Or Demerits Of Democracy
1. Expensiveness: It is very expensive to operate because decision making process in a democracy involves many people.
2. Representation: The representatives of the people may be representing their own interest and not the interest of the people.
3. Corruption Or Manipulation Of Election: Elections are often manipulated to favour self centered and irresponsible representatives through the use of money and thuggery.
4. Inadequate Political Education: During elections, people that are not adequately educated politically may not understand the issue at stake their by using their political sovereignty or power wrongly. For example collection of money for their vote.
5. Manipulation By Few: Often times, citizens merely accept the opinions and views expressed by few vocal representatives which may not represent the rule or views of the majority in a democracy.